[Main Import](<https://brave-fox.notion.site/Main-Import-16a28fd60ec941ef9266fbe9e0d8fdbb>) allows the user to import all the necessary files with a single line of code, making the installation process easier. All it does is import all the different sections of Brave-Fox into one file, which allows you to individually turn off a certain section if you don't want it.

<aside> ⚠️ Note: @import url("Brave-Fox/Import.css"); should be put into both userChrome.css and userContent.css.


@import url("Optionals.css");
@import url("Brave Button Icons.css");
@import url("Toolbar.css");
@import url("Tabs/Tab Shapes.css");
@import url("Tabs/Close Button Antics.css");
@import url("Tabs/Murder Proton Tab Spacing.css");
@import url("Private Browsing/Brave Incognito Colours.css");
@import url("Private Browsing/Brave Incognito New Tab.css");
@import url("Fancy Animation Zone.css");

/* No Overflow Version */
@import url("Remove Overflow.css");